Welcome to My Blog

Hi I'm Alice. As a working mom from home I am offering FREE advice and tips. With a B.A in psychology and a M.A. in communications, I have created this blog to help moms find the best job for mom, or a business to start from home . I am both an experienced internet marketer, and stock trader. Helping my friends with their careers has always been a hobby of mine. So Let's get you a suitable job for mom now, go ahead and ask me what ever you want. I am here to help.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Blogging-Part 1

In this article I will explain to you how blogging is a great job for mom, or can be viewed as an excellent business to start from home.There are plenty of great Free methods how to do this.
To make money, you don't need money. Listen very carefully to what I am saying. You do not have to invest serious money, in fact you do not have to invest any money if you don't want to, however if one invests less than a $100 into what I call helpful and  proper tools that will help you save time and help you with your online success it is definately worthwhile.

So how can blogging be a job for mom? Easy. First find that niche you are passionate about. Weather it is in your proffessional field or a hobby of yours, if you enjoy writing about it then go for it. When you understand a niche or have passion for it, you can write easily and it's fun. Remember as moms we have crazy sceduales we must work around. So if you are passionate about something and knowledgable about a subject you can work a lot faster. The blogging will take you a lot less time.

Some bloggers write reviews of products or books,  this is one great way of promoting your products.
So when people decide to click on your link and visit someone's online store and actually buys something, you will be earning money. Because you earn a commission everytime someone buys that product, that they were redirected to from your blog.

It is very simple. But you have to learn a few basic steps to get the hang of it.
Some of the most popular niches are self help, sports, weight loss,skin care, depression, how to crafts, ect. I hope you have some good ideas from this little list.

The next important step in order to understand how to blog  and turn it into a successful business to start from home is to provide only high quality information.

If you provide high quality information, then your readers will come back again. Do not spam junky posts just to promote your products. On the contrary be real, write passionately, and  you will build your credibility. In return for being credible and an expert in your niche, people will listen to you, they will become your folowers. And most importantly they will then listen to your recommendations and take action, I mean buy your products.

Blogging is not a quick rich job, on the contrary it is a serious business to start from home, where you can still be a mom and with time achieve a great income. But a blog needs love and care if you are serious about making it your future career.

Offer advice that is helpful. If your advice is too basic, and doesn't offer anything out of the ordinary, then people will probably not make you sales on your blog and these so called visitors will not return. So make sure that you provide value to your readers. You can also get your visitors to subscribe to your newsletter. Then you can send your readers weekly emails and share some tips with them.

Most importantly please stay in your niche. People will be Visiting your blog, only because they want tips on weight loss. If your blog is about ways to lose weight. You do not want to start talking to your trageted audience which is probably seeking a solution to their weight loss about their skin. Maybe they have flawless skin, but the point is you can lose their interest if you do not focus primarily on your niche.

Blogging can be a very lucrative business. I recommend every blogger or before you begin blogging to get this tool

 It will save you so much time, and make blogging easy and fun. And most importantly using this tool will show you how to get results in a short time period. Go here to learn more.

Please see Part 2 of how to make blogging a successful job for mom.

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