Welcome to My Blog

Hi I'm Alice. As a working mom from home I am offering FREE advice and tips. With a B.A in psychology and a M.A. in communications, I have created this blog to help moms find the best job for mom, or a business to start from home . I am both an experienced internet marketer, and stock trader. Helping my friends with their careers has always been a hobby of mine. So Let's get you a suitable job for mom now, go ahead and ask me what ever you want. I am here to help.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Business to start From Home- Start with these 3 Steps

If you want to really want to make a great income from the comforts of your home you really have to take the necessary steps to make it happen. It is not easy but it does not have to be impossible. It is all about managing your time correctly and completing the necessary steps that will get your business up and running.

I created this blog to help mothers create a business to start from home. You will find on my blog pages like mom's schedule, and mom's office, and my favorite tools and software. These pages are a starting point if you want to build for yourself a successful business to start from home.

I strongly believe and from my own experience have seen that by creating a proper office for yourself at home, sticking to a schedule, and purchasing the best (low cost) software and tools that will save you hundreds of hours, you can succeed Mommy, with practically any business that I recommend on my blog.

Not every business that you can do from home is a good business for a mother to start from home. I have posted 2 important criteria that I feel a good job for mom or business to start from home for mom should possess!!!

Basically after you have figured out what business you are interested in starting from home. You have to complete these 3 steps before you actually begin.

1. Set up Mom's office-go to my page Mom's office and start creating one.

2. Set up Mom's schedule-You must ask yourself questions such as: How much time are you willing to dedicate to your new business at the beginning and in the long run to maintain it? How will you juggle both kids and work? Have you set aside quality time for your kids?

3. Purchase the proper tools and software- there are a lot of scams and software that DO NOT work, and there are tools and software that are amazing!! I have tried almost everything out there. And I have created my own site "my favorite tools and software" where I have chosen the best ones for you. I feel they are the best for a number of reasons. First of all they are almost all under $100 and that is cheap when you think about that is your major investment for your online business. Second, they will save you hundreds of hours of work, which Mommy really needs. Another reason why these tools and software are my favorite is because they can get your business up in running in no time, or help you create material that is essential for your online business in no time at all. 

So, come on mommy and choose a business to start from home now. Check out my categories,  and get great ideas. Ask me what ever you want, I am here. And most importantly follow the three steps above in order to guarantee your success!!

Click Here to see my favourite tools and software.

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