Welcome to My Blog

Hi I'm Alice. As a working mom from home I am offering FREE advice and tips. With a B.A in psychology and a M.A. in communications, I have created this blog to help moms find the best job for mom, or a business to start from home . I am both an experienced internet marketer, and stock trader. Helping my friends with their careers has always been a hobby of mine. So Let's get you a suitable job for mom now, go ahead and ask me what ever you want. I am here to help.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Working Mom from Home-5 Great ideas

Do  you want to be a  working mom from home?More and more Moms  are trying to find ways to earn extra cash while at home caring for their children. I have shared many ways to work from home in the past, but today I am going to share some great job ideas that are suitable for a job for mom from home. These are fantastic ways  to make extra cash.

1. Pet Sitter – recently I went on a trip to a major city, where I saw several "pet resorts". I regretted that there were not any of them around here, but we probably could use a. Care to other people's pets while they are away or at work could prove to be a fun and a lucrative way to earn extra cash. This is one of those jobs where your children will also be able to help. What your children  wouldn't just love new animals running around the house?

2.Blogger – if you have experience writing or some a passion for a particular subject (TV shows really counts here) so that you could make some extra money blogging. If you do not know what blogging is, read my other posts on blogging, and  how to start a Blog. Becomes a blogger allows you the freedom to work when you can from your home. There is really no set hours. Blogging is something you can do in the early morning, late at night, or when you get some free time away from your children. Blogging is a job that fits my schedule for stay at home mom. And with this blogging tool you can make great money blogging in no time.

3.Birthday photographer – if you are good with children and capturing special moments quickly, perhaps you could be a professional birthday party event photographer. You can set up a portable studio for friends and family members If you want to have fun and take photos this might be the job for you! You will need a  good reliable camera to help you get started.

4. EBay or Etsy Crafter – Do you make blankets, hats or scarves for family members as gifts? How about felt toys, garlands,or clothes? If you already are good  at then you should consider opening an Etsy store or sell your homemade goods on Ebay. Believe me, I have bought a ton of stuff on Etsy, and I think it is a great way for a crafty person to earn extra cash.

5.Party caterers – this could be something as simple as offering specialty cakes and desserts for a party or as elaborate as a complete meal to an event such as a wedding or Reunion. If your passion  iscooking and you like events, it may be a good way to earn extra money out of your home.

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