Welcome to My Blog

Hi I'm Alice. As a working mom from home I am offering FREE advice and tips. With a B.A in psychology and a M.A. in communications, I have created this blog to help moms find the best job for mom, or a business to start from home . I am both an experienced internet marketer, and stock trader. Helping my friends with their careers has always been a hobby of mine. So Let's get you a suitable job for mom now, go ahead and ask me what ever you want. I am here to help.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Schedule for Stay at home mom

A working mom from home must have a sensible schedule. If  a mother decides to work from the comforts of her home, and enjoy both quality time with her family and an income she must learn to juggle both properly. The only suceessful  way to be able to achieve the art of juggling is to have a schedule and to stick to it.

Mothers working from home have to decide before they start a business or take a job from home, the number of hours they are willing to dedicate to work. Having a job that occupies all your time at home defeats the purpose of mothers working from home. That is if you still want to keep the title "mother". The number of reasonable hours a mother can dedicate to work depends on the number of children she has to care for and their ages.

If you are planning on starting a business from home then of coarse at the beginning to get your business off the ground, you will probably need to invest a lot of time. That is only natural. What you should consider before starting the business is how many hours will be needed to maintain the business. This is the crucial factor that will determine if the business is suitable for a mother or not. You must ask yourself always if you still have time  in your schedule for qaulity time with your family?

If your kids are older and they are in school, then you would have the  mornings to work. If you have an infant or a baby that still takes a 3-4 hour nap everyday, then dedicating 3 to 4 hours a day to work is sensible. If  you have a baby you should get the baby accustomed to a nap eveyday at an exact hour. you can easily get an infant on a schedule, in fact it's healthy for them. If your baby  has gotten use to sleeping for 3 hours straight,  that gives you 3 hours of uninterrupted quiet time to work. A stay at home mom schedule must state exactly baby's napping hours, so a working mom from home can use those hours as working hours and probably she will be the most productive during those hours.

It is important during these uninteruppted hours, where a mother can focus and concentrate, not to do other household tasks. Household chores and responsibilities can be done while the baby is awake. Do not waste your precious work time on other things either like phone calls to friends or supermarket shopping.

A schedule for  stay at home mom apart from including exact working hours, must also include household chores. Designate one day a week to really clean and take care of the house. By doing this the house will stay clean with just some simple tasks that have to be performed on a daily basis. In fact 30 minutes to 1 hour a day for upkeep, not including the kitchen and cooking should be suffice.

On the day that you designate as your cleaning the house day,  cooking more than usual can really lighten the burden during the rest of the week. You can easily cook and freeze certain dishes for other days that you plan on working. I strongly recommend a house cleaner if you can afford one.  But if you cannot afford one at this point, don't worry after you start working you will, and in the meantime you can accomplish everything if your schedule for stay at home mom is done correctly.

So how does a working mom from home also tackle other household duties?weather your  cooking, cleaning, or folding the laundry,  make these tasks fun with your baby or kids. For example a mother can sing,  talk, and play with her little baby  while  accomplishing household responsibilities. So what if it takes you longer, your baby will love the attention. Not to mention that your baby is learning that Mommy also works, and just can't sit and play with him or her all day long.

Create a corner for your baby to play in the kitchen which is removed from the dangerous part of the kitchen, such as stove, oven, ect. In this corner have a couple of draws just for your baby to play with. Have these draws full of  plastic bowls,  pots, plastic fun stuff and large plastic spoons. Your baby will feel like he is also cooking like mommy. This way you will be able to accomplish your cooking while baby is having fun.

Remember that baby can crawl around if you make your house and office fully baby proof.  If you have to tidy up the living room , again make sure he is interacting with you, play with him, and always make sure there are toys in every room in the house for your baby to play with. This will make your job easier wherever you have to clean.

And most importantly a working mom from home must have time to herself. Make sure to incorporate this personal time also into your schedule. Spend  a night out  with your friends, or go out with your husband to a romantic restraunt every once so often. A schedule for stay at home mom must not only be sensible it must also make a mother feel happy and content with her choice of staying home.

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